Teaching. Running. Knitting. Sewing. I have a tendency to drive right into the deep end and give each new project my all.
I teach adult ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) in a program that offers free adult basic education (both ESOL classes and GED prep classes). I can't say that this is what I was officially trained to do, but my background as Russian teacher and professor certainly help. And I can say that I love it and my students are wonderful (and wonderfully hilarious at times!)
I am a runner. I have three marathons, numerous half marathons, and dozens of other races under my belt, as well as a few seasons as a Girls on the Run Coach (though my current teaching schedule means GOTR doesn't fit in at the moment).
I learned to knit from a woman at my church in the summer of 2013. I grew up watching my mom sew and finally got my own machine in the spring of 2014. I enjoy taking on new projects, figuring things out, and pushing my skills to the limit. I love the creative process, even if my technical skills aren't quite on par with my imagination.
This blog now contains ads and may contain affiliate links. Just a little something to help pay for my running and creative habits :)
I teach adult ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) in a program that offers free adult basic education (both ESOL classes and GED prep classes). I can't say that this is what I was officially trained to do, but my background as Russian teacher and professor certainly help. And I can say that I love it and my students are wonderful (and wonderfully hilarious at times!)
I am a runner. I have three marathons, numerous half marathons, and dozens of other races under my belt, as well as a few seasons as a Girls on the Run Coach (though my current teaching schedule means GOTR doesn't fit in at the moment).
I learned to knit from a woman at my church in the summer of 2013. I grew up watching my mom sew and finally got my own machine in the spring of 2014. I enjoy taking on new projects, figuring things out, and pushing my skills to the limit. I love the creative process, even if my technical skills aren't quite on par with my imagination.
This blog now contains ads and may contain affiliate links. Just a little something to help pay for my running and creative habits :)
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